Pastor’s Aid Ministry

Our Mission
To meet and anticipate the needs of Pastor, the First family, and visiting ministers. We find ways to help restore our Pastor, as he serves the needs of the people. Some ministry activities include planning celebrations, sending cards to the sick and bereaved families on behalf of the Pastor, and ensure our Pastor, associate ministers, and pulpit guest are accommodated.
Theme Scripture
“The elders who lead the church well should receive double honor, especially those who work hard by speaking and teaching.”
1 Timothy 5:17
Our Commitment
To God:
We vow to serve you Lord, with renewed hearts and right spirits; to carry out your divine plan and purpose for the ministry. As the Pastor’s Aid Ministry, we commit to live a life of holiness for You are Holy.
To Pastor:
We are committed to meeting and anticipating the needs of our Shepherd and his family. We actively seek ways to help restore Pastor, as he serves the needs of the people. We vow to support and encourage, our Pastor in his responsibilities.
To Our Church:
We are committed to the church as a ministry by serving God with our service to Pastor, his family, and Ministers of the Gospel.